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How to Prevent Osteoporosis - Information, Prevention & Tips

September 26, 2016

Osteoporosis: Information, Prevention & Tips - OCwellnesss

FULLERTON, CA, UNITED STATES - Sep 26, 2016 - Preventing Osteoporosis

While it is one of the most common bone diseases, it is also one of the most preventable as well.  However, since osteoporosis does not typically show symptoms until a fracture or break occurs, the most effective way to prevent it is to get regular screening.  The earlier the diagnosis, the easier it is to eliminate the concerns.  Screening should typically be done once every two years or so, particularly in people who have risk factors, such as:

  • Female
  • Small body frame
  • Ovary removal or menopause
  • Calcium or vitamin D deficiency
  • White or Asian descent
  • Smoker or regular drinker (more than two drinks per day)
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Regular use of medications that may lead to osteoporosis

The reason screening and prevention is so important is because after the bone loss from osteoporosis sets in, it is irreversible.  While it can be stabilized, improvement can only be made at that point through medications.

Preventing and Managing Osteoporosis

Per The American Chiropractic Association, they recommend the following tips to both prevent and manage the disease:

Exercise - Exercise puts various forms of stress on the bones and help to strengthen them.  Exercise should typically be done for a minimum of 30 minutes 3 times each week.  Of course, if you have osteoporosis already and have recently suffered from a break, fracture, or experience frequent falls, you should consult your healthcare provider prior to starting (or continuing) an exercise routine.

Moderate aerobics classes, such as yoga or Tai Chi, can be great ways to start out a routine.  If you prefer outdoor activities, things such as walking, moderate jogging, or tennis can be great way to get the body active and improve bone density.  You can even find things in your own household, such as climbing stairs or dancing to music.  This type of exercise not only helps manage or altogether prevent osteoporosis, but it also improves balance and range of motion at the same time.  This can help prevent future falls and bone fractures.

Nutrition Tips

Foods such as soda, chips, hot dogs, bacon, beer, liver, bologna, and peanuts should be avoided, as should any other food that is high in phosphorous.

Increase your calcium intake.  Good sources are milk (ideally low-fat), yogurt, cheese, spinach, broccoli, and kale.

In addition, while vitamin D is also good to increase, the best form of vitamin D you can get is from the sun.  Spending as little as 10-15 minutes a day out in the sun can provide most people with adequate amounts of this vital nutrient.

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