(April 25, 2013)




The ever-increasing Omics data volume and complexity requires new approaches to data analysis and workflows. Once all the straightforward findings have been made, it is crucial to enable skilled scientists to analyze their actual data to stimulate new innovations.

This web symposium presents a range of powerful new tools to increase the productivity of bench scientists and informatics professionals in academia and industry. Among the tools that will be discussed is GenomeSpace (http://www.genomespace.org), an environment that brings together diverse computational tools, enabling scientists to easily combine their capabilities. The “GenomeSpace-enabled” seed tools include Cytoscape, Galaxy, GenePattern, Genomica, Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV), and the UCSC Genome Browser. Cancer analysis is aided by the addition of ArrayExpress, InSilico DB, geWorkbench, and Cistrome. It also features support for cloud-based data analysis, and automatic conversion of data formats.

Viewers will also learn about the Qlucore Omics Explorer software program, which combines instant visualization and immediate feedback on all user actions. By basing the whole user experience on visualization, Qlucore Omics Explorer creates a foundation for clearer communication and updated workflows, both for application oriented scientists and statistical experts.

Learning Objectives:

• Visualization-based analysis drives communication both internally and between workgroups.

• The use of collaborative informatics tools such as GenomeSpace help researchers effortlessly combine the capabilities of many popular informatics tools in several research scenarios, including cancer research.

• A live demonstration of Qlucore Omics Explorer, using a cancer data set, showing how instant visualization drives creativity and enables skilled scientists to do more analysis themselves, test multiple hypotheses at once and become much more productive.


Angeline Kantola
Bioinformatics Scientist and Program Manager

Michael Reich
Michael ReichDirector of Cancer Informatics Development
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Thoas Fioretos, MD, PhD
Thoas FioretosProfessor and Senior Consultant, Department of Clinical Genetics
University and Regional Laboratories, Lund University