(Recorded on November 6th, 2013)

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Datasets in current life science research often have many more variables (tens of thousands and more) than samples (hundreds). When the user explores data with the purpose of uncovering unknown biologically meaningful structures and patterns, the pure size of the data sets and the complex functional relations present new mathematical and statistical challenges.

To maximize the scientific outcome, methods that address the complexity as well as the requirement to allow biologists and medical researchers with the functional understanding to perform exploratory analysis, are required.

To build the user experience on visualization is one powerful strategy and we will discuss how to retrieve as much information as possible out of your data based on different types of visualization combined with statistical analysis.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the basic strategies in Visual Exploratory Analysis of Complex Data.
  • How to use and evaluate Dynamic Principle Component Analysis (Dynamic-PCA).
  • How to use combinations of visualizations to enhance the results.

Speakers Include:


Magnus Fontes

Magnus Fontes, PhD, Professor of Mathematics, Lund University, Sweden

Fontes is one of the founders of Qlucore and is currently the head of the Qlucore research program. Fontes is since more than 10 years the head of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences at Lund University and he is currently the President of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI).

ECMI is a leading network for Mathematics in Industry and Innovation in Europe with most of the top European universities as members. See www.ecmi-indmath.org
Fontes is the vice chairman of the Swedish National Committee for Mathematics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and he was a member of the SOC of the EMS-ESF Forward Look on Mathematics and Industry.


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Jay P. Tiesman, Ph.D, Principal Scientist, Genomics Group Leader, Procter & Gamble, USA

Dr. Jay Tiesman is a Principal Scientist in the Global Biotechnology Division of The Procter & Gamble Company in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. He is the Genomics Group Leader and a Corporate Technology Entrepreneur – charged with helping to identify novel biotechnology innovations worldwide to address key needs for P&G.

Since joining P&G in 1993, he has been actively involved in developing genomics capabilities within the Company. He has been particularly interested in the use of genomics to gain insight into epithelial cell biology. Before joining P&G, he completed postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Dr. Charlie Hart at ZymoGenetics, Inc. in Seattle, Washington. At ZymoGenetics, he pursued research in the field of growth factor signal transduction associated with wound healing and tissue remodeling. He obtained his Ph.D. in Pathology from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska. In Omaha, he worked in the Laboratory of Dr. Angie Rizzino at the Eppley Cancer Institute, delineating the roles and impact of growth factors on embryonic development. Before joining Dr. Rizzino, he obtained Bachelor degrees in Philosophy and Biology at Creighton University in Omaha.