Scale Up Lab Data Management with Scispot's Advanced Lab Inventory Automation Features

May 23, 2023

What to know about lab inventory automation

Lab inventory automation is one of the most effective ways that biotech startups and scaleups can save time and improve biotech R&D workflows. Effective laboratory management is essential for ensuring that a startup’s R&D projects run smoothly and efficiently. Without proper lab inventory management, scientists can face a range of challenges, including a lack of critical resources, disorganization, and wasted time and effort. This can lead to delays in biotech R&D projects and ultimately, a failure to bring a product or service to market.

One of the biggest challenges biotech startups face when it comes to laboratory management is inventory management. Keeping track of the materials and equipment needed for experiments can be a daunting task, especially for startups that handle a large volume of materials. Furthermore, manual inventory management can be time-consuming and prone to errors, which can lead to costly mistakes and delays in experiments.

Scispot's advanced lab inventory automation features address these challenges. By automating inventory management, biotech startups and scaleups can save time and reduce the risk of errors, allowing them to focus on what really matters: making new discoveries.


Connecting lab inventory to an electronic lab notebook (ELN) 


Scispot's advanced lab inventory automation features enable biotech startups to create inventory databases using Labsheets, customized with relevant metadata such as threshold quantities and expiration dates. This integration facilitates easy monitoring of inventory levels, ensuring that materials are always available when needed. Labsheets can be connected to Scispot's Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN), allowing researchers to seamlessly track inventory levels and manage resources without switching between applications or systems.

To ensure continuous awareness of inventory status, Scispot's lab inventory automation features offer customizable email and in-app notifications. Startups can set preferences to receive alerts when inventory levels fall below predefined thresholds or when expiration dates approach, keeping them informed about inventory at all times.


By linking lab inventory management to experimental workflows, startups can automate and track inventory with every experiment. Inventory Automation tracks consumables and reagents used in specific workflows, automatically updating inventory levels on Labsheets in real-time. This feature provides startups with up-to-date information on inventory status, ensuring they have the necessary materials for experiments.

Optimize lab  inventory with Scispot’s electronic lab notebook (ELN)

Scispot's advanced lab inventory automation features offer a user-friendly, integrated solution for startups aiming to optimize lab workflows. With automated inventory management, seamless connections between inventory and ELNs, as well as email and in-app notifications, Scispot modernizes lab management software and minimizes the risk of costly errors. Biotech startups can focus on conducting experiments and driving scientific breakthroughs, free from concerns about material shortages or manual inventory management.


Scispot is the ultimate hub of lab management software for biotech startups and scaleups

Overall, Scispot is a cutting-edge platform that offers a comprehensive suite of laboratory information management systems (LIMS software) and electronic lab notebook (ELN) solutions, enabling researchers to streamline lab data management. With Scispot's advanced ELN and LIMS software, scientists can easily manage multiple tasks, experiments, and data points all from one centralized location. This modernized approach to lab data management empowers biotech startups and scaleups to automate lab inventory, track samples, and efficiently manage resources, ensuring smooth operations and minimizing errors.


Scispot's sample tracking software and lab data management capabilities provide researchers with the tools they need to organize and track samples throughout the research process, improving efficiency and reducing delays.


Experience next-level workflows with Scispot's advanced lab inventory automation features. Request a demo today to witness how Scispot can revolutionize inventory management and streamline R&D workflows with advanced ELN and LIMS software.