Illumina Announces New Genomics Alliance, Software for Analyzing Genomic Data, Understanding Disease Molecules, More
Bio-IT World | Illumina announces the five founding members of the Alliance of Genomic Discovery and launches the newest version of DRAGEN software, the Allen Institute for Immunology and Eli Lilly team up to better understand disease molecules, and crowd-sourced neuroscience. Plus, product updates, partnerships, and acquisitions from Sinequa, Lifebit, Arrayjet, BioIVT, and more.
Jul 27, 2023
Follow the Money: AI Platform for Acute Immune States, Acquisitions, Expanding Solutions Portfolio
Bio-IT World | AI platform used for acute immune states, acquisitions, solutions portfolio expansion, and more.
Jul 26, 2023
Jarrod Anderson and the Benefits of AI
Bio-IT World | As industries further explore AI, an abundance of new projects and ideas surface, and it can be difficult to decide where to focus.
Jul 25, 2023
Trends from the Trenches Part 2: Data Structures, Habits, and Teams
Bio-IT World | After exploring the infrastructure upheaval of the past year, the annual Trends from the Trenches session at Bio-IT World moved to questions of data and teams.
Jul 20, 2023
Vibrating Capsule Repurposed For Assessment of ‘Visceral Acuity’
Bio-IT World | Researchers at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (Tulsa, Oklahoma) are repurposing a vibrating capsule that is FDA-cleared for treating chronic constipation to study how people sense the hidden signals originating in their gastrointestinal (GI) system.
Jul 19, 2023
Trends from the Trenches Part 1: Infrastructure Upheaval
Bio-IT World | After years of threatening to pass the baton, Chris Dagdigian was absent from this year’s Trends from the Trenches session at the 2023 Bio-IT World Conference & Expo.
Jul 18, 2023
Procurement and Technology Onboarding: How Big Pharma Picks New Tools
Bio-IT World | A panel of pharma representatives talked about their tech acquisition pipelines last month at the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo. Representatives from Roche, Janssen, and Novartis outlined their strategies for acquiring new technologies and the pitfalls they look for.
Jul 14, 2023
European Commission Levies Record Fines on Illumina, GRAIL Merger
Bio-IT World | The European Commission announced this morning that it has fined Illumina and GRAIL approximately €432 million and €1,000 respectively—both record fines—for implementing their proposed merger before approval by the Commission, in breach of EU merger control rules.
Jul 12, 2023
Federations and Favor: Hydra Genomics Federation Tests Model
Bio-IT World | Federated storage systems were a hot topic at the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo in May. Susmit Shannigrahi, Assistant Professor at Tennessee Tech University, reported on Hydra, a federated model for genomics use cases funded by the National Science Foundation.
Jul 11, 2023
Disc-On-Chip Model Could Be Gamechanger For Low Back Pain Studies
Bio-IT World | Biomedical engineers at the University of Technology Sydney have collaborated with clinicians and cell specialists to develop the world’s first physiologically and clinically relevant disc-on-a-chip organ model that represents—they say—a breakthrough in low back pain studies.
Jul 6, 2023
AI Predicts Diseases, Advancing Toward HIV Cure, Acquisitions, New Partnerships
Bio-IT World | Illumina announces an AI algorithm that predicts disease-causing genetic mutations; American Gene Technologies’ new company will focus solely on advancing an HIV cure; Datacubed looks for genomic foundation for PTSD; and new partnerships for NTT Research, the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Seqera Labs, Genomics England, Complete Genomics. Plus, product updates from 10x Genomics, Thermo Fisher, Benchling, Saama Revvity, and more.
Jun 29, 2023
Using An AI/ML Based Digital Platform To Build A More Robust And Capable Process
Bio-IT World | Legacy methods for developing a robust process and understanding process capability are limiting. Leveraging modern AI-based digital solutions throughout the product lifecycle provides expansive capability for creating more robust and capable processes.
Jun 28, 2023
Follow the Money: AI Drug Treatments, Stocks, Quantum Metabolic Polarizers, More
Bio-IT World | Leveraging AI for drug treatments, stock investments, revolutionizing metabolic MRIs with polarizers, and more.
Jun 27, 2023
Search Is On For Brain Markers Of Suicide Risk
Bio-IT World | Scientists and clinicians have been looking for behavioral predictors of suicide for decades now, and yet the most reliable detection method remains self-disclosure by individuals who feel life is not worth living. The work of trying to understand the brain mechanisms behind suicide is a newer, “burgeoning bubble” of research to better foresee who is in peril of taking their own life.
Jun 15, 2023
Molecule Takes On Deadly Cancer By Inhibiting ‘Unfolded Protein Response’
Bio-IT World | Researchers in a joint European network report on a specially developed molecule known as Z4P that could deliver fresh hope to patients with glioblastoma, the most aggressive malignant primary brain tumor with a less than 7% survival rate five years post-diagnosis. As an adjunct to gold-standard chemotherapy, Z4P effectively inhibits the stress management pathway of cancer cells so they self-destruct.
Jun 22, 2023
Platform and Projects: Genomics England’s New Efforts
Bio-IT World | At the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo last month, members of the Genomics England team shared about the organization’s history, vision, and what it’s working on now.
Jun 21, 2023
Revolutionizing Lab Work: How Automation Empowers Lab Technicians and Scientists and Reduces Manual Workload
Bio-IT World | As the life sciences industry continues to grow and innovate, it is critical for labs to leverage automation technology to reduce manual workload and unlock new avenues for scientific discovery. With breakthroughs in gene-editing, increased healthcare testing, and genomic surveillance due to the COVID-19 pandemic, labs cannot afford to have highly qualified scientists tied to their benches performing easily automatable tasks.
Jun 16, 2023
N-Lorem Foundation Bringing Real Hope To ‘N-Of-1’ Patients
Bio-IT World | Stanley T. Crooke, M.D., Ph.D., founder and longtime leader of the company that pioneered RNA-targeted therapeutics, is now chairman and CEO of the n-Lorem Foundation descaling the technology to treat patients helpless before a healthcare system that wasn’t built for “n-of-1” problems. He will be addressing a room of physicians and scientists tomorrow on the campus of Vanderbilt University.
Jun 14, 2023
Science Diplomats Sound the Alarm for Resiliency Preparedness at BIO Convention
Bio-IT World | BOSTON—The largest biotechnology conference in the world, the BIO International Conference, convened in Boston this week drawing over 20,000 attendees from more than 60 countries. In our post-pandemic world, the common thread throughout the conference was the need for global collaboration on our scientific challenges.
Jun 13, 2023
Illumina CEO Resigns
Bio-IT World | Illumina announced yesterday that Francis deSouza, Illumina's Chief Executive Officer and a Director, has resigned, effective Sunday, June 11.
Jun 12, 2023